This class is a 60 minutes stretch and strengthen - incorporating the whole body. It also includes some brain gym, breathing practices and meditation. There will be opportunities to stand and/or get onto the floor, if you wish. BUT you can also stay in the chair for the whole practice. There will be options provided throughout the class so this is SUITABLE FOR EVERYONE!
This class is a 60 minutes stretch and strengthen - incorporating the whole body. It also includes some brain gym, breathing practices and meditation. There will be opportunities to stand and/or get onto the floor, if you wish. BUT you can also stay in the chair for the whole practice. There will be options provided throughout the class so this is SUITABLE FOR EVERYONE!
A slow steady stretch for the connective tissue in the body. This class is great for everyone- beginners and experienced yogis alike. Poses are held for a longer period of time to allow for a more meditative practice. Poses induce a slow steady stress on the fascia, which is crucial for the healthy and mobility of our tissues as we age. This a floor-based class, a perfect antidote for busy people!
A bit of this and a bit of that! If you like a mix - this class combines some dynamic YANG yoga similar to our general class, along with some delicious longer held YIN poses- fabulous for a deep stretch and some time to de-stress.
We do the hard stuff first and then relax into the yin poses in the second half of the class. This is a very efficient class, if you only have time for one class a week :)
A wonderful mix of yummy yoga poses, bountiful breath exercises and a delicious meditation practice to finish. Suitable for all levels. However, if you are new to yoga or have an injury, it's best to try our Gentle Yoga first if you are looking for a flowy class like this.
FYI: Our MOST gentle class is Restore :)
This is a Gentle flow of movements, aimed to stretch, strengthen and balance the body, mind and spirit. Great for those who want a gentle stretch- older people, those with injuries, new yogis and those who just want to take it a bit easier than in a General Class.
Yogalates is a combination of yoga and pilates. It is a class aimed at strengthening and toning the body by skilfully blending a range of yoga and pilates poses seamlessly together. The class also includes a breathing practice and meditation, making it holistic version of Pilates. It is a wonderful option for those who are transitioning from Pilates to Yoga or those who would like to incorporate a bit of both.
This is a super class for those who like some repetition of poses to build strength. There is a set sequence of strength exercises, followed by stretching. This class is a bit more like a boutique gym class. So, for those of you transitioning from the gym to Yoga, or those of you who like to systematically target different areas of the body to strengthen, this will tick all the boxes.
A wonderful way to completely relax your nervous system while doing gentle yoga stretches, some longer held Yin and Restorative poses and an extended meditation!
This is our gentlest and most nurturing class!
ALL FLOOR BASED (We don't stand up until we're leaving!) :)
A scrumptious mix of yoga poses (similar to a General Class), bountiful breath exercises and delicious meditation to finish. Suitable for all levels. held on Saturday mornings at Orewa Beach during summer months.
In this breathing class you will learn the best habits and practices for Healthy Breathing. Start taking control of symptoms of stress, overwhelm, insomnia, snoring, asthma etc. We will achieve this by learning how to breathe diaphragmatically, through gentle, floor-based yoga postures and relaxing meditation.
Each week will incorporate one of the healthy breathing habits, along with scientifically proven breathing practices to help re-wire your breathing pattern.
Each class is a stand along class, but this will still work best if you can attend all 8 classes, thus building on your knowledge and practice from week to week.
A slow steady stretch for the connective tissue in the body. This class is great for everyone- beginners and experienced yogis alike. Poses are held for a longer period of time to allow for a more meditative practice. Poses induce a slow steady stress on the fascia, which is crucial for the healthy and mobility of our tissues as we age. This a floor-based class, a perfect antidote for busy people!
A bit of this and a bit of that! If you like a mix - this class combines some dynamic YANG yoga similar to our general class, along with some delicious longer held YIN poses- fabulous for a deep stretch and some time to de-stress.
We do the hard stuff first and then relax into the yin poses in the second half of the class. This is a very efficient class, if you only have time for one class a week :)
A wonderful mix of yummy yoga poses, bountiful breath exercises and a delicious meditation practice to finish. Suitable for all levels. However, if you are new to yoga or have an injury, it's best to try our Gentle Yoga first if you are looking for a flowy class like this.
FYI: Our MOST gentle class is Restore :)
This is a Gentle flow of movements, aimed to stretch, strengthen and balance the body, mind and spirit. Great for those who want a gentle stretch- older people, those with injuries, new yogis and those who just want to take it a bit easier than in a General Class.
Yogalates is a combination of yoga and pilates. It is a class aimed at strengthening and toning the body by skilfully blending a range of yoga and pilates poses seamlessly together. The class also includes a breathing practice and meditation, making it holistic version of Pilates. It is a wonderful option for those who are transitioning from Pilates to Yoga or those who would like to incorporate a bit of both.
This is a super class for those who like some repetition of poses to build strength. There is a set sequence of strength exercises, followed by stretching. This class is a bit more like a boutique gym class. So, for those of you transitioning from the gym to Yoga, or those of you who like to systematically target different areas of the body to strengthen, this will tick all the boxes.
A wonderful way to completely relax your nervous system while doing gentle yoga stretches, some longer held Yin and Restorative poses and an extended meditation!
This is our gentlest and most nurturing class!
ALL FLOOR BASED (We don't stand up until we're leaving!) :)
A scrumptious mix of yoga poses (similar to a General Class), bountiful breath exercises and delicious meditation to finish. Suitable for all levels. held on Saturday mornings at Orewa Beach during summer months.
In this breathing class you will learn the best habits and practices for Healthy Breathing. Start taking control of symptoms of stress, overwhelm, insomnia, snoring, asthma etc. We will achieve this by learning how to breathe diaphragmatically, through gentle, floor-based yoga postures and relaxing meditation.
Each week will incorporate one of the healthy breathing habits, along with scientifically proven breathing practices to help re-wire your breathing pattern.
Each class is a stand along class, but this will still work best if you can attend all 8 classes, thus building on your knowledge and practice from week to week.